

 Definition: Raw silk (Garshana) gently stimulate the skin encouraging lymph circulation and the removal of dead skin cells.

Sanskrit: Garshana= friction by rubbing

Description: Garshana is a dry massage aimed at stimulating the skin and lymphatic system. The use of silk gloves are particularly recommended for those with a Vata constitution due to the gloves’ soothing and soft nature. Those with primarily Kapha or Pitta constitution or imbalances are advised to use a dry brush. The friction and static electricity created during the massage refreshes and stimulates the skin, improving metabolism and blood circulation.


  • Improves energy

  • Promotes mental alertness

  • Exfoliates the skin

  • Encourages cellular renewal

  • Revives skin tone + texture

  • Detoxifies the lymphatic system

  • Expels ama (toxins)

  • Stimulates blood flow

  • Increases circulation

  • Warms the body



  • Fatigue

  • Sluggishness

  • Brain fog

  • Dry, dull, and rough skin

  • Constipation

  • Loose skin and cellulite



  • Extremely sensitive skin

  • Inflamed skin

  • Eczema or psoriasis

  • An open or unhealed wound

  • Sunburn



Wearing the garshana gloves, the process begins by starting at your feet, moving in long fluid motions from toes to heel 5-10 times. All of the brushing movements should be directed toward your heart and done repeatedly (5-10 times) on one section of the body before moving to the next. Then from the ankles to the knees and from the knees to the hips (brush back and forth with a friction-like movement). Move to around the joints and hips use large circular motions. Moving in a clockwise motion around your abdomen and take care to be a bit gentler around the more sensitive areas of your body (i.e. your chest area and belly). For the arms, start at the hands and move in toward the elbows and up to the shoulders and neck. Skin should be stimulated and invigorated but not irritated or red.

Duration: 30-60 minutes

Post-treatment care

  • Whenever you decide to shower, soap may be used optionally as it can dry out the skin and the oil is a great cleanser. Soap is great for essential areas that most need it or if too oily.

  • Stay well hydrated with room temperature: hot water

  • Eat on time and eat easy to digest freshly cooked food

  • Have a restful evening and early to bed.