

 Definition: Abhyanga is a massage that’s done with warm oil. The oil is applied to the entire body, from the scalp to the soles of your feet.

Sanskrit: Abhi= into or glow and Anga= limb

Description: Abhyanga is a traditional ayurvedic massage therapy providing innumerable health benefits. It is a process of a holistic healing touch from head to toe with warm, Ayurvedic oil. This full-body oil massage is known as Abhyanga. This offers nourishment and energy to the body equal to the feeling of being loved and gives longevity. There are a lot of surprising advantages for undergoing Abhyanga.


  • Increases flow of oxygen to the cells

  • Increases resistance to disease-improves immune response

  • Removes stiffness from the joints, more supple spine

  • Increases stamina and vitality

  • Increases longevity. It slows down the aging process.

  • Purifying

  • Relaxing, calming, soothing, grounding

  • Nourishes and improves skin texture and tone, gives lustre to the skin



  • Low blood pressure

  • Hyperactivity

  • Dry skin, dark circles around eyes

  • Those who do vigorous exercise



  • Any acute conditions such as cold, flu, fever.

  • Congestive heart failure with edema

  • Throat infection

  • Unconsciousness, coma



Apply the warm oil over the head, ear and sole portion and then proceed to the neck, upper back, shoulders, forelimbs, chest, abdomen, low back and then to lower limbs. The procedure is to be done in sitting, supine, right lateral, left lateral and prone (not in all medical conditions) positions.In certain regions, circular massage is indicated whereas in some other regions linear massage is indicated. After the therapy wipes out the oil using a bath towel or tissue. Take rest for 15 Minutes and after proper rest, the patient can take shower in Luke warm water.

Duration: 30-60 minutes

Post-treatment care

  • You can leave the oil on up until the next morning if desired to get maximum absorption benefits.

  • Whenever you decide to shower, soap may be used optionally as it can dry out the skin and the oil is a great cleanser. Soap is great for essential areas that most need it or if too oily.

  • Stay well hydrated with room temperature: hot water

  • Have a restful evening and early to bed.

  • If you’d like to leave the oil on, use a towel over the pillow and wear socks and a good cover.

  • During very cold, or hot weather please bring a hat to protect your head post-treatment as the oil increases sensitivity to temperature.